Our Mission
We are, and we strive to be, God's family on mission. following Christ into our community, loving and leading others to follow Him.
God's Family on Mission
We believe God has invited all people into His family through the life and work of Jesus Christ. This family is an extended family made up of all kinds of people – young and old, married and single, big and small. He has called us into His family, not just to enjoy His and each other's love, but to be engaged together in the mission of extending His loving reign in our world.
Following Christ into our community
We believe that God's Kingdom is much larger than the Church – the followers of His Son, Jesus. So we know that God is doing His loving work in our community in a multitude of ways and places. We desire to find where He is at work and to enthusiastically join Him and that work so that His gracious reign may be extended here.
Loving and leading others to follow Him
Inside and outside the Church, love is the standard operating norm. We want to learn how to love others the way Christ does and share what we know about how Jesus would have us live each day.
We believe God has invited all people into His family through the life and work of Jesus Christ. This family is an extended family made up of all kinds of people – young and old, married and single, big and small. He has called us into His family, not just to enjoy His and each other's love, but to be engaged together in the mission of extending His loving reign in our world.
Following Christ into our community
We believe that God's Kingdom is much larger than the Church – the followers of His Son, Jesus. So we know that God is doing His loving work in our community in a multitude of ways and places. We desire to find where He is at work and to enthusiastically join Him and that work so that His gracious reign may be extended here.
Loving and leading others to follow Him
Inside and outside the Church, love is the standard operating norm. We want to learn how to love others the way Christ does and share what we know about how Jesus would have us live each day.